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Eben­so wie das Wis­sen unse­rer Mit­ar­bei­ter, hal­ten wir auch unser Equip­ment auf aktu­el­lem moderns­ten Stand der Tech­nik um auf alle Anfor­de­run­gen unse­rer Kun­den­pro­jek­te reagie­ren und han­deln zu kön­nen. Aktu­ell besit­zen wir fol­gen­de Gerät­schaf­ten und Soft­ware (Stand 2022):

1 x Trim­ble SX10 Scan­ning-Total­sta­ti­on
1 x Trim­ble TX8 Hoch­leis­tungs­scan­ner
2 x DJI Phan­tom 4Pro Droh­nen
1x DJI Mavic Enter­pri­se RTK
1 x Trim­ble S6 High Pre­cis­i­on 1“ DR Total­sta­ti­on
1 x Trim­ble S6 DR300+ 2“ DR Total­sta­ti­on
1 x Trim­ble 5602 2“ DR Total­sta­ti­on
2 x Trim­ble GNSS-Mess­aus­rüs­tun­gen (R8 undR10)
1 x Trim­ble Digi­tal­ni­vel­lier DINI 0,3mm 1km Dop­pel­ni­vel­le­ment
1 x ana­lo­ge Inge­nieur-Nivel­lier­aus­rüs­tung
1 x Faro 3d-Laser­scan­ner mit Refe­renz-Kugel­set
2 x Laser­ent­fer­nungs­mes­ser sowie ver­schie­de­ne Prismensets

Dazu gehört auch unser Hard- und Soft­ware Equip­ment zur Ver­wal­tung unse­rer Unter­neh­men und Arbeits­grund­la­ge unse­res TEAM’s. Zwei moderns­te Ser­ver, Hoch­wer­ti­ge PC’s zur Berech­nung von Punkt­wol­ken und Laser­aus­wer­tun­gen, 10 Gbit Netz­werk sowie Glas­fa­ser Internettechnologie

Discover Our Bold and Unique Home Decor Pieces

Dis­co­ver our exqui­si­te coll­ec­tion of exclu­si­ve designs meti­cu­lous­ly craf­ted with unpar­al­le­led atten­ti­on to detail. Each pie­ce we offer holds a cap­ti­vat­ing nar­ra­ti­ve, invi­ting you to beco­me an inte­gral part of the Inspi­ring Spaces sto­ry. Immer­se yours­elf in our world of excep­tio­nal design and let your ima­gi­na­ti­on take flight. Explo­re our line of exclu­si­ve crea­ti­ons today and expe­ri­ence the essence of true inspiration.

Crafting Spaces Speak Inspiring Spaces


At our home decor com­pa­ny, we deep­ly reco­gni­ze our envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bi­li­ty. We prio­ri­ti­ze the use of sus­tainable mate­ri­als and main­tain a strong part­ner­ship with our sup­pli­ers to ensu­re ethi­cal prac­ti­ces are upheld across our enti­re sup­p­ly chain.

Perfect Space Exclusives

Dis­co­ver our exclu­si­ve coll­ec­tion of per­fect space essen­ti­als, meti­cu­lous­ly cura­ted to ele­va­te your home decor. From sty­lish fur­ni­tu­re to cap­ti­vat­ing accents, explo­re our hand­pi­cked sel­ec­tion for an unpar­al­le­led living experience.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed finibus nisi, sed dictum eros.”

- Reha­an Whitfield

“Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus. Aliquam sodales nulla dolor sed vulputate sapien.”

- Wil­liam Haines

“Fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat duis ut hendrerit. Quisque aliquet velit sit amet sem interdum faucibus. In feugiat aliquet mollis etiam tincidunt ligula.”

- Igor Landry

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About Divi Home Decor

At Divi we under­stand that your home is your sanc­tua­ry, and we’­re here to help you bring your visi­on to life. With our excep­tio­nal qua­li­ty, tim­e­l­ess designs, and per­so­na­li­ze cus­to­mer ser­vice, we stri­ve to exceed your expec­ta­ti­ons every step of the way.


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